Saturday, November 12, 2005

Richard Cobden's Bottom In the Dark

An great liberal, apparently - an anti-corn-law campaigner. Seen from behind. The picture is a bit hastily taken as I was trying to avoid a mugging/beating.

Christ Church, Spitalfields

Nicholas Hawksmoor's Christ Church, Spitalfields.

In the garden

I have a confession to make ... this isn't really my garden. From Jubilee Gardens, Canary Wharf.

View from ... the car home

I haven't got the gall to ask the driver to stop so I can take pictures (he's getting paid per trip, so it'd be unfair to force my picture-obsession on him) - this makes the pictures a little blurry...

(Not sure these night pictures work - but I'll keep trying :-)

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Darts ... and Beer!!

The Angel in the Fields, Marylebone. Ayingerbrau on tap. Bitter on tap. And no fancy bottled Italian stuff.

Dunkel Hefeweissbier from "Weihenstephan", Bayerische Staatsbrauerei. Brewing since 1040 and damned good at it.

Blackfriars Subway

Paternoster Sq

St Paul's Cathedral